Sunday, August 26, 2012

A prince of no clothes

Once a long time ago, as I was leaving school for the day through the gate, as you do, with my school bag swinging ... although it may not have been, because I'm not sure if satchels swung ... I heard someone shout out to me. I turned to see Busby.

Busby, a kid a couple of years older than me, was yelling, "Hey, your sister was in the nude with Nigel behind the swimming pool, eh?"

I nodded and rolled my eyes. I nodded because I didn't have a clue what nude meant and I didn't want to appear dumb to a kid in standard 4. And I rolled my eyes because I always roll my eyes.

When I got home, I told Mum. It's fair to say her interest, and perhaps ire, was piqued. And I found out what the word nude meant and had a sudden feeling of panic that I'd just confirmed that my 10 year old sister was nude behind the swimming pool ... with Nigel ... ooops. I couldn't help but wonder if Nigel was nuded as well. And to this day, I still don't know, because I never fronted up to my sister when I realised the full implication of being nude at school. Let's face it, what kid didn't have nightmares about going to school in their pyjamas. What must be so much, much, much worse was popping along to school in the Emperor's new clothes!

And now when many have merely bandaged their nudity, we have the worldwide frenzy where a young, over-privileged man-boy was caught in the dreaded throes of nudity. He happens to be a prince which makes you think he should be able to afford to buy some clothes. But as it came to pass, the sun shone, the drink was downed and suddenly the frock was dropped, and the prince was suddenly sporting the Emperor's wardrobe in it's full glory. Nek minute, it's riding on the tsunami of online media as the cyber sea is swamped in the sheer horror that a prince was found to be frolicing without a further thread to shed.

Oh dear! I can think of nothing more to say but why are the jesters now wearing the crowns, or in some cases exposing them.

Mystery should not be underestimated.

[Historical note: The gates of Rutherford Primary are still there. My old primary school is nestled in Tat North, now more salubriously known as Te Atatu Peninsula (although was delighted when the Council had somehow lost the second 'n' in one of its signs).]

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